Tuesday, December 21, 2010

the 90s: Raising kids who love to learn. Work we enjoy.

In the later 90s, our careers take a creative turn when Bob goes back into the newspaper business, taking a photography job at the Fairmont Times. I move back to the Health Sciences Center, managing the cafeterias in the old hospital. Our lives were full and good.

In 1992, Gregory enters Kindergarten at the Presbyterian Church,one of many good schools in his young life. Bob & begin dating again, taking mini vacations with Greg or overnights where Greg stays at Grandma Junes'. On February 8, 1993, Christopher Jordan Gay arrives into the world, one month before my 40th birthday. Chris' mind absorbs much through great preschools, observing his older brother and having parents who read to him.

Seminal events include: Operation Desert Storm, the Oklahoma City bombing and the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal. Memorabilia include: Barney, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dark Wing Duck, Miami Vice, Pogs & Beanie Babies.

Layout made in 2003.

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