What would you scrap about if you had the letter "X"? Well the only thing I could think of was my little girl Xela. Yes, her name is spelled with an "X" and it sounds like Shayla. You want the story I'm sure, well here it is. My husband served a mission for our church in El Salvador for 2 years and at the same time his best friend (also his cousin) was serving in Guatemala. The name Xela was a very popular word for cities in Guatemala. I think they would use Xela as part of the cities names, like Xela Ju'. His cousin loved it and said if he was to ever have a little girl he was going to name her Xela. Well he did end up having a little girl but the name was vetoed out by his wife, so we gladly said if we have ANOTHER girl if it would it be okay if we used it. He was done having kids so he said sure. Here is our beautiful Xela! Of course we had to spell it the Mayan way with and "X" which I was totally against in the beginning but I love it now; she might not as she grows up but what awesome initials does she have huh?!!?
Tia this darling!!! Love the paper choice and title is super cute!!!!
Thanks for sharing your story! Good thing you got the letter X for this challenge - you did a great job with it! :)
Love the LO and the color... Warm and beautiful. I could not take my eyes off it.
Just adorable(the girls too!) and now we know who to send our "X" alphas to!
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